What Are Lingual Braces?

There are many ways to get a picture-perfect smile and straight teeth. However, many people are also quite understandably concerned about their appearance while undergoing such procedures. The look of traditional metal braces may not be the most aesthetically pleasing treatment, so patients of all ages often ask about more subtle solutions.

The good news is that such solutions exist! Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces, but they are fixed on the back of the teeth as opposed to the front.

How Do Lingual Braces Work?

Lingual braces straighten teeth in a similar way to traditional braces, in that they pull teeth into their most optimal position to straighten your smile. The brackets are placed on the backside of the teeth and require attending regular visits to your orthodontist for inspection and adjustments until the treatment is complete.

As you can imagine, lingual braces are much more subtle than their traditional counterparts. In fact, they are practically invisible. However, patients will often speak with a slight lisp throughout their treatment, as their tongue touches the back of the brackets, making it difficult to pronounce certain sounds. While this effect may be more noticeable at first, changes in speech generally become less prominent as patients become accustomed to their new lingual braces.

Are They More Painful Than Traditional Braces?

Straightening your teeth can be a rather uncomfortable process, no matter the type of treatment you opt for. As the teeth are moved around in the mouth, you may feel discomfort or soreness, and in some cases, some mild pain. However, most patients find they can manage this discomfort with over-the-counter medications.

Due to the location of the brackets, lingual braces make it possible to experience some discomfort in your tongue as it moves over the brackets while you speak and eat. However, manufacturers are always trying to make brackets as smooth and small as possible to enhance patient comfort during treatment.

Who Can Get Lingual Braces?

This will depend on your specific case, and what orthodontic treatment will ultimately offer you the best experience and results. In general, lingual braces are a good choice both for adults and children to straighten teeth, address issues with their bite, and remedy other alignment problems.

However, you will only know for you if lingual braces are right for you after a consultation with your orthodontist. They will inspect your alignment issues and determine which solution is most beneficial for your long-term dental health.

Interested in Lingual Braces? Kingstowne Dental Specialists Can Help!

If you are wondering whether you or your child are a good candidate for lingual braces or other forms of teeth straightening, the Kingstowne Dental Specialists can help. Courtney Marzban, DMD (Pediatric Dentist), and Robert Marzban, DDS, MDS (Orthodontist) are here to provide patients with the best solutions to their specific dental needs.

Book a consultation at Kingstowne Dental Specialists today!

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