Can Invisalign Fix an Overbite?

Invisalign clear aligners are a commonly preferred orthodontic appliance over traditional braces. While Invisalign uses a gentler, more gradual force to shift the teeth into proper alignment than braces, they are still perfectly capable of addressing a host of orthodontic problems, such as:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Bite problems (over/under/crossbite)
  • Teeth overcrowding
  • Gaps in the teeth
  • Spacing issues

Problems Associated With Overbites

An overbite is when the teeth are misaligned, causing the upper teeth to protrude further than your lower teeth or when your upper teeth overlap your bottom teeth by more than ⅓. An overbite is commonly caused by either having excess room in the jaw or too little room to accommodate all of the teeth in the mouth. 

Overbites can be hereditary or caused by habits from early childhood such as prolonged thumb sucking or pacifier sucking. However, many health issues can be attributed to overbites, such as:

  • Difficulty speaking
  • Damage to teeth and gums
  • Sleep apnea
  • Jaw pain
  • Severe migraines
  • Discomfort when chewing
  • Oral health problems (decay, gum disease, enamel erosion)

How Attachments Enable Invisalign to Treat Overbites

Dental patients presenting with more severe malocclusions such as overbites used to be ruled out of Invisalign treatment and would instead be recommended braces. However, all of that has changed in recent years thanks to the introduction of Invisalign attachments.

Attachments are used in conjunction with your clear aligner trays to help encourage the rotation of the teeth in a certain direction. They are small tooth-colored buttons that are bonded to your tooth’s enamel. 

They blend in with your teeth and can only be noticeable when you remove your aligners (which you should only be doing for 2 hours a day). The attachments on your teeth will come in various sizes and shapes. 

A tooth may have multiple attachments or none. It depends on which direction your teeth need to shift. The attachments help act as an anchor for the aligner trays so that the proper amount of force can be applied to the teeth.

In addition to attachments, there are also clear elastics/rubber bands that may be used to correct the alignment of your bite. These elastics hook onto your attachments or clear aligners and simultaneously shift the jaw into proper alignment while encouraging certain movements of the teeth.

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign is preferable to metal braces for a laundry list of reasons. For one, metal wires and brackets can cause insecurity in orthodontic patients because they draw attention and cover our natural teeth with hunks of metal.

Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners that are completely transparent. Even when a patient requires the addition of attachments or elastics, these are tooth-colored or clear and blend in with the natural teeth.

Metal braces exert a lot more force onto the teeth and while this can be effective for severe malocclusions, this can also cause a lot of pain and irritation. The Invisalign system uses gentle force to gradually shift the teeth into place without causing pain. 

It is a lot easier to clean and maintain the teeth and your aligners because the aligners are removable. This allows you to remove them when you eat and brush your teeth so food particles don’t get stuck in the aligners. 

Metal braces are notorious for making teeth cleaning difficult since metal brackets and wires are in the way and often make thorough removal of food particles and plaque an impossibility. Finally, you get quicker results with Invisalign. You can expect to complete your orthodontic treatment within 6 months to a year compared to several years with braces.

Straighten & Fix Bite Problems With Invisalign at Kingstowne Dental Specialists

Do you have crooked teeth, spacing issues, or bite problems? Not interested in the hunk of metal look that braces are destined to leave you with? Contact us at Kingstowne Dental Specialists to find out if Invisalign is ready for you. 

Dr. Robert Marzban will perform an oral exam and determine if you’re a suitable candidate. Schedule a consultation today!

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